BS EN 1270尤其是根据行业的不同产品,帮助客户分析和选择关键BS EN 1270测试点,选择适合的测试方法,节省BS EN 1270测试费用。取得国际*的BS EN 1270报告,为客户提供专业,便捷高效,优质实惠BS EN 1270技术服务,帮助客户的产品顺利**的进入市场。 通过*的BS EN 1270测试,实验室根据标准,应用BS EN 1270专业测试仪器和测试方法获得BS EN 1270报告。 操场器械检测项目有: 1. BS EN 1176--1: 1998 Playground equipment--Part 1: General safety requirements and test methods操场器械 2. BS EN 1509 Playing field equipment - badminton equipment - functional and safety requirements, test methods羽毛球器械安全要求测试方法 3.BS EN 1510 Playing field equipment - tennis equipment - functional and safety requirements, test methods网球器械实用与安全要求测试方法 4. BS EN 1271 Playing field equipment - volleyball equipment - functional and safety requirements, test methods排球器械安全要求测试方法 5. BS EN 1270 Playing field equipment - Basketball equipment - Functional and safety requirements, test methods篮球器械安全要求测试方法 6. BS EN 748 Playing field equipment - football goals - functional and safety requirements, test methods 7. BS EN 749 Playing field equipment - handball goals - Functional and safety requirements, test methods 8. EN 14468 Table tennis -table-functional and safety requirements, test methods